I speak English
Welcome to these sports facilities located in the 'Vlaamse Rand'!
(This text is a translation for those who do not yet understand Dutch well.)

The municipality you are now living in is located in the ‘Vlaamse Rand’, a region in Flanders, where Dutch is the official language.
The ‘Vlaamse Rand’ boasts many different languages and cultures. Mindful that Dutch is a language that helps to create opportunities, the Flemish Authorities actively encourage their citizens to learn Dutch. When learning a language, it is crucial to practice this new skill, which can be done before, during, and after engaging in a sports activity.

If you yourself play a sport:
- Listen carefully to your coach’s instructions.
- If you don’t understand the instructions, ask for clarification. The coach will either repeat the exercise or demonstrate it.
- Try to speak Dutch as much as possible.
- Don’t be afraid to speak Dutch. Nobody will mind your mistakes.
- Don’t give up. Keep on practicing.

If your child plays a sport:
- Encourage your child to speak Dutch.
- You schoud also speak Dutch with the coach.
- If you’re not yet fluent in Dutch but would like to practice the language, make sure to inform the coach that you’re currently learning Dutch.
- Trying out your Dutch on other parents is also a good way of practising the language.

Use SportNed for free!
Do you want to learn or practice Dutch to use in a sports context?
SportNed helps you!
In the app you will find exercises to listen, read, learn words and practice …
There are also speaking exercises with a chatbot. You get direct feedback and can repeat as much as possible.